How self-absorbed are we?

We all have been taught since childhood that we should always be thankful to god for all that he has given us, all his blessings and all his love. And that’s really noble, we should be grateful for what we receive.
But when we say ‘US’, do we really mean ‘US’? Or do we mean ‘I’ or ‘ME’?
Mostly people who thank God for his blessings and love are those who are not suffering or are not in misery. How often have you seen people suffering, starving or dying and thanking God for it? People who think that their God grants them special favours, while that same god allows millions of kids to suffer and starve, are not only delusional, they’re also especially arrogant, vain and self-absorbed.
We pray before we eat. We thank God for the food and we ask him to bless it before we eat it. Now, if we for a second increase the radius of our conscience from our dining table to the outside world, would we be saying the same prayer? There are literally thousands of men, women and children who die of starvation every day. If God won’t even give them food, why would he bless ours?
The above situation applies to all the aspects of our daily lives. It’s not that we don’t have a moral conscience; we do have it and a strong one at that. The only problem is we turn a blind eye to it when the subject in question is God. In such cases, when our moral conscience contradicts our core beliefs, we feel so offended by our own moral conscience that we decide to completely ignore it.
Just because it is uncomfortable to view it from another perspective doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t. We should always study both sides of everything, no matter how personally uncomfortable. If someone tells us not to study the other side, it is a huge red flag that means we should do exactly that.
However, somehow most people manage to ignore everything happening around them and focus on only themselves. Staying ignorant of the outside world and being self-absorbed somehow makes them more devout and happy.
Apparently, ignorance is bliss!!